SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION IN OBE-BASED CURRICULUM (Concept & Implementation Study of the MBKM Curriculum at Islamic Religious Colleges)
Social Studies Education, OBE, MBKM Curriculum, Islamic Religious CollegeAbstract
The Independent Campus Learning Policy (MBKM) aims to encourage students to master various science and technology according to their field of expertise so they can compete internationally. This policy provides an opportunity for students to choose the courses they will take based on personal preferences. The implementation of the Freedom to Learn Campus Merdeka policy encourages the learning process in higher education to become more autonomous and flexible. Education always seeks to create students who always update every time. Not only highly educated but able to become agents of change in small or large scope. The resulting changes and innovations are able to provide maximum contribution to the progress of a nation that has quality human resources. In this writing, the literature approach from Kirk Miller with qualitative research methods was chosen to construct the concept and implementation of the OBE-based MBKM curriculum in Social Studies Education at Islamic Religious Colleges.
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