
  • Asep Mahpudz Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Local Wisdom, Curriculum Development, Social Studies Learning, Character, Multicultural


Indonesia is a multicultural country. The cultural diversity owned by each ethnic group in Indonesia is a social capital that must be maintained. In Indonesia, each ethnic group has its own local wisdom. Local wisdom develops through a long process and has good values for people's lives. Local wisdom is a good habit that is practiced by the community in their lives both in attitudes, actions and other forms. This article presents a study of the value of local wisdom in Indonesia that can be a source of material and materials in social science education.  Local wisdom in Indonesia can be the basis of character building in society. Curriculum development and social studies learning in Indonesia can raise the value of local wisdom as a study material. Basically, the values of local wisdom have not changed. The values contained in local wisdom in Indonesia very much. Local wisdom will be passed on to the younger generation in a society if it is easy to understand and always close and related to real life in the community. It is important to raise awareness that the development of social studies education needs to be built on the values of local wisdom. The material of local wisdom values as social studies study material includes the ability to understand a set of events, facts, concepts, and generalizations related to social and cultural that occur in society.


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