Empowerment, Balinese Local Wisdom, Learning Resources, Social Studies LearningAbstract
This study aimedat identifying the local wisdom of the Balinese people that could be used as a source of teaching materials in social studies learning at SMP/MTs. This research was a literature study (bibliographic research) and ethnographic research. The object of this research study was all dimensions of social studies learning in SMP/MTs., and the local wisdom of the Balinese people that could be used and developed as a source of teaching materials to supplement the material in social studies learning at junior high schools. /MTs. Data collection techniques applied to obtain data in this study were Interview, Observation, and Documentation Study. The results of the study indicate that there were various types of Balinese local wisdom in the form of ideology, social relations/networks, and local institutions that could be used as a source of material in social studies learning at SMP/MTs., in Buleleng Regency
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