
  • Anggoro Putranto Social Science Education Department, Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University, Indonesia


Social Capital, Tourism Development, Social Science Literature


The tourism development process does not only focus on the development of tourism facilities and infrastructure, but can be done through government institutional development, community capacity building and community social capital. The purpose of this research is to explain the role of social capital in tourism development as social science literature. This research uses descriptive qualitative. Data sources were obtained through data collection techniques from observation, documentation and interviews. Data validity test is done by triangulation of data sources. Data analysis with data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that unproductive former sand mining land has been developed for fish farming and developed for fishing tourism. people who come are charged an entrance fee and are free to fish. The management of this fishing tour is carried out by the local community with structured management. On a regular basis, management is also carried out joint reporting to all group members and the community. Management members and the community work together to manage and plan tourism development programmes. Some aspects of social capital in the management of this tour, among others: the existence of trust between communities, joint rules that have been agreed upon, community participation, solidarity between members of the community group, and community cooperation that is always improved. Direction for management, that cooperation should not only be carried out by managers or between communities, but carried out with stakeholders, the local government. This goal is done so that in the planning of tourism development is not in conflict with the rules of the local government. Tourism management by emphasising social capital provides a positive social impact and supports sustainable tourism. Furthermore, the government can also support the development of this tour through various programmes such as funding assistance, tourism education to the manager and the community and the management community in formulating programme planning better involve elements of the Government, in order to achieve the goals of the programme to advance the tour. The concept of learning directly about the social capital of the community in the development of this tour can be as one of the social science literature.


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