Tourism Impact, Social, EconomicAbstract
This study aims to determine the positive and negative impacts of the existence of thread kelambu waterfall tourism on the social and economic conditions of the community and the efforts of the local government in handling the negative impacts of tourism on the people of Aik Berik Village. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research using a descriptive approach, where the data will be expressed in the form of sentences and descriptions, even in the form of short stories. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of research conducted by researchers, it is known that there is a positive impact of tourism on the social conditions of the community, namely an increase in tolerance, an increase in interest in learning and the creation of communication or interaction relationships between tourists and local residents, in addition to the positive impact there is also a negative impact of the existence of thread kelambu waterfall tourism, including the entry of prohibited objects such as sharp objects, liquor and drugs. Then as for the positive and negative impacts of thread kelambu waterfall tourism on the economic conditions of the community, namely increasing community income, opening up jobs, and increasing village income. Then the negative impact is that some visitors litter, environmental pollution, economic dependence and the creation of price gaps. To deal with the negative impact of the existence of waterfall tourism, the local government seeks to form village regulations governing 1. natural resource management, 2. village authority, 3. village regulations on spring protection and 4. village regulations on maintaining the security and order of tourist visitors.
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