Thinking Method, Learning ActivenessAbstract
This research aimed at knowing the effect of the thinking method to student learning activeness on economics subject at XI Grade of Islamic Senior High School Yabid. This research was motivated by many students who did not listen to the teacher's material explanation, many students who did not do assignments, many students who felt afraid and did not dare to ask questions or express their opinions, and many students who were less active in discussions. It was a quasi-experimental research with posttest only control group design. The population of this research were all XI grade students who learned economics subject that were amount 40 students to be samples, 20 students were as the experimental group and 20 students were as the control group using total sampling technique. The subjects of this research were teachers and students. The object of this research was the effect of the thinking method to student learning activeness. Observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques were used for collecting the data. Parametric t-test technique was used for analyzing the data. The results of this research obtained that there was an effect of the thinking method to student learning activeness with the results of t-test of the posttest obtained tobserved = 10.085 with Sig. (2-tailed) or p-value = 0.000 (a/2); (df) (0.05/2 = 0.025) in significant levels 5% and 1% with df = 38, it was known that ttable 2.024 and 2.711 tobserved>ttable or p-value = 2.024 < 10.085 > 2.711, so that it was said that from testing the hypothesis based on the provisions if tobserved > ttable, then alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, which means that the thinking learning method has a significant effect on students' active learning in class XI economics subjects at Madrasah Aliyah Yabid School, Sungai Batang sub-district.
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