Free Education Policy, Access to Education, Quality of EducationAbstract
Education is one of the main pillars in development something nation. In Indonesia, the government has confess importance education as right basic every citizen and as key For increase well-being public. For realize matter this, the government has carry out various policy strategic, for one is policy free education. Study This aim For analyze impact policy free education to enhancement access and quality education in Jakarta. Policy Free education is one of them effort government For ensure right every citizens get decent education without exists obstacle cost. Study This use approach qualitative with method studies case For explore How policy This implemented in state schools in Jakarta Data collected through interview deep with various holder interests, incl head schools, teachers, students, and parents, as well through analysis documents and observations field. Research result show that policy free education has succeed increase access education, especially for family not enough capable. However, improvement amount students in these state schools also pose a number of challenges, such as limitations facilities and resources Power man so that the quality of education becomes hampered. Research also found that Still there is gap remember Still many found family not enough capable of not yet can enjoy free Education.
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