Social Environment, Academic Achievement, Early ChildhoodAbstract
Environment social incl interaction with family friends peers and teachers have significant influence to performance academic child age early. Support emotional stimulation cognitive as well involvement active parents and teachers positive contribute to development academic child at age early. Study This aim For study influence environment social to performance academic child age early. Environment social, which includes interaction with family, friends peers, as well as teachers, are believed own role important in development cognitive and achievement academic child. Research methods used is method quantitative with approach survey. Data is collected through questionnaire filled out by parents and teachers from children 4-6 years old in some park selected children in a way random in some location in Indonesia. Data is collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations direct to a number of Kindergarten/Preschool schools. Research result show that environment social support, such as attention and involvement active parents in education child , interaction positive with Friend peers, as well approach motivating teaching from the teacher, have correlation significant positive with performance academic child age early. The kids get it support emotional and stimulating adequate cognitive abilities from environment social they tend own ability more academic Good compared to with those who are lacking get support the Study this is also a find that factors like level parental education , quality interactions at home, and availability facility adequate education join in influence performance academic child.
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