Character, Environmental Caring, Environmental Education, Green SchoolAbstract
This research aims to describe the green school program in instilling environmentally caring character and analyzing the environmentally caring behavior patterns of school residents at SMP Negeri 3 Lasem. This research method uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach using observation, interview and document study techniques. The research results show that the green school program at SMP Negeri 3 Lasem is based on the Adiwiyata school policy which is reflected in the school's vision and mission, including environmental aspects. The schools have agreed on several things; such as learning aspects through Environmental Education subjects, participation of school residents involved in environmental management, and budget allocated for school facilities and infrastructure for the green school program. The school built several environmentally friendly facilities; such as fish ponds, reading gardens, green houses and sinks as an important part of environmentally friendly school programs. The behavior patterns of school residents in environmental activities can be seen in routine activities; starting from cleaning sanitation and drainage, waste management, planting, water and electricity conservation. The school community's environmentally caring character is reflected in getting used to throwing away rubbish in the right place according to its type, being able to recycle rubbish through creativity, using water and electricity efficiently, and minimizing the use of plastic. This green school program policy is not only tied to the school's vision and mission, but must develop a curriculum policy based on environmental management to increase commitment in carrying out the Adiwiyata green school title. Considering the importance of caring for the environment, school residents are expected to be able to actualize awareness of managing the environment in their daily lives. Schools can also develop curriculum policies based on environmental management to increase commitment to carrying out the Adiwiyata green school title.
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