Merdeka’s Curriculum, Social Studies, Rejang Lebong DistrictAbstract
This study aims to describe the ability of Madrasah’s social studies teachers in Rejang Lebong Regency in understanding Merdeka Curriculum and making teaching tools. This research was conducted in eight schools/madrasas consisting of; (1) MAN Rejang Lebong, (2) MA Baitul Makmur, (3) MA Muhammadiyah, (4) SMK Quran Darul Maarif NU, (5) MTs Baitul Makmur, (6) MTs Muhammadiyah, (7) MTs Bunayah, and (8) SMP Quran Darul Maarif NU. These targets represent elements of State Madrasah Alihah, Private Madrasah Aliyah, Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Private Junior High School, NU-based Junior High School and Muhammadiyah-based Junior High School. The research questions are (1) What is the initial condition of the understanding of madrasah social studies teachers in Rejang Lebong Regency about Merdeka Curriculum Understanding By Design before training?, (2) How is the training process for social studies teachers in making teaching tools for Merdeka Curriculum based on Understanding By Design?, (3) What is the final condition of the understanding of madrasah social studies teachers in Rejang Lebong Regency about Merdeka Curriculum Understanding By Design after training?. The research method is Participatory Action Research (PAR), which is an approach in solving problems and meeting the practical needs of the community, as well as producing science, and encouraging social and religious change. The results showed that First, the initial condition of madrasah social studies teachers before training showed that they did not understand the material about the Merdeka Curriculum, both philosophically, conceptually, technically, and the steps in conducting social studies learning in the classroom. It is characterized by not being able to mention the Teaching Module as a substitute for lesson plans in the Merdeka Curriculum. Second, the training process for social studies teachers in making teaching devices for the Merdeka Curriculum based on Understanding By Design is conveyed by teachers gaining new understanding, new skills, and training can be utilized for making teaching devices. Third, the condition of the understanding of madrasah social studies teachers in Rejang Lebong Regency about the Merdeka Curriculum Understanding By Design after training shows a change in attitude after training, and is useful in solving existing social problems.
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